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Kick-off event

Our Work

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from the healthcare sector is a major challenge and requires involvement of many people. Physicians, nurses, administrators, researchers, members of the community all play a key role in successfully achieving a more sustainable healthcare system.

In order to effectively accomplish our goals, Clinicians for Climate Action is organized into working groups, each with specific objectives while together working toward reducing carbon emissions. Explore our many UPMC sustainability projects along with project leaders and sites.

Greening the OR/Reducing waste

This is our largest committee with multiple projects, including anesthetic gas reduction, HVAC setback pilot program, blue towel initiative, reducing plastic bags, reducing disposable bottles, reusable pulse ox program, waste segregation and more. For more information email Dr. Noe Copley-Woods

Sustainability and Climate Health Education/Curriculum

Our goal is to provide education to UPMC clinicians on relevant core concepts around climate change and healthcare sustainability by connecting members of the UPMC community to vetted resources and to elevate clinician’s voices as they use their knowledge paired with clinical experience and patient stories to advocate for environmental justice and greater climate accountability within our healthcare system and community. Contact Stephanie Maximous to get involved or with questions/ideas.

Health Equity and Community Partnerships

Our group is focused on ensuring community members voices are represented in C4CA mission and activities. We will be working to on developing town halls around climate justice where community partners can share their work in this space and how UPMC can decarbonize. We also work to ensure that all parts of C4CA consider health equity in their work and advocacy activities. Email Maya Ragavan or Thuy Bui

Advocacy and Communications

We are focused on managing the Clinicians for Climate Action website and social media, sharing information with interested groups, writing letters and op-eds, raising awareness and bringing in new members. Follow us on Twitter @clinicianclimat. Email Gabriel Cisneros

Greening Outpatient Offices

We work to reduce the carbon footprint of outpatient offices. For more information email Dr. Keith Somers 


We are focused on supporting researchers in healthcare sustainability, collecting data on efficacy and cost-effectiveness of interventions, and obtaining funding for sustainability research. For more information contact Amanda Artsen